Submission Guidelines
- Prepare a 1-page Synopsis describing the problem statement in a PDF format.
- Ensure that your proposal is not among the completed Research Migration Projects or Research Migration Projects in Progress list.
- The Synopsis should include details about the journal/publication from which your work is being migrated along with the problem statement. That includes:
- Title of the paper
- Name of the journal/publication
- Author(s)
- Chapter, volume, pages
To view a sample Synopsis, click here.
Research Migration Project Directory
Prepare a Research Migration Project Directory in a .zip, .tar, or .gz folder. The directory should contain:
- Mesh files created using OpenFOAM utilities or imported from other meshing software (GMsh, Salome, ANSYS, etc.).
- Simulated case directories using:
- OpenFOAM v6 or above,
- OpenFOAM v1806 or above, or
- foam-extend 4.0 or above.
- Contours, plots, and data files post-processed using ParaView and/or Python scripts.
Minimum 3-page report of Research Migration Project in PDF format specifying software details and dependencies on other codes/functions (if any). For report format, please refer to Report Template. The editable LaTeX template can be found here.
The completed Research Migration Project will be evaluated on:
- The complexity of the Project
- Validated results using other sources/references
- Quality of the report